“One becomes flexible not by force, but by gently encouraging the body and the mind to let go.”
– Thich Nhat Hanh
Do you want to be a stand out teacher of yin? One that understands and embodies not only the philosophy but the poses?
Maybe you are already teaching but are looking for a course that takes your understanding to a new level.
Maybe you would like to gain clarity or confidence?
Lessons in Yin is for those who want to dive into a deeper understanding of what it means to live in yin. Through an untangling of the history, philosophy and architecture of yin we will learn how to apply these principles to our practice and life. Each class will be studded with yin practices and philosophy plus need to know anatomy to help you truly get in touch with the essence of this beautiful practice. The mini-series is suited to dedicated students, teachers who want inspiration or those starting on the path and would like to share yin out in to the world.
Each week we will meet twice for two hour sessions to give you time to digest the information presented. The course is held over 6 weeks and is 24 hours in total.
““Gabrielle is such a wonderful teacher’s teacher. Her ability to express all things yin in beautiful words that are easy to absorb make learning from her a joy. Her knowledge is extensive and real, learned not read. Thank you for sharing your gifts Gabrielle.”
— Student Feedback”
The Lectures
In the Beginning
Understand the roots of yin yoga, the Taoist creation story, and how to work with beginners. We will also look at beginning your classes and beginning poses and do a deep dive in Child’s pose.
Appreciate the Poses
There are only a few poses in Yin Yoga but many variations. Know what the poses are for and when you would use them. Learn the difference between adaptation and substitution. See how props can work in your favour to spice things up or chill you out.
Feel into YOUR body
Your body is where the learning begins. Understand why you can and can’t do some poses well and how this applies to teaching. We are all unique and this applies especially to teaching yoga functionally. Liberate yourself from the belief that you can’t do something and instead celebrate your authenticity.
Meridians are thought of as spaces/channels/rivers in the body. You can think of them as a circulatory system but instead of blood flow qi flows..The meridians of Chinese Medicine (probably also what the ancient Indians called the Nadis), are pathways of energy which we can subtly manipulate through yin yoga. We will look at both the Eastern and Western energy maps and how they can be applied to Yin yoga.
Fascia is a body-wide, soft tissue, three-dimensional system continuous in form that runs from the head to the toes, front to back, and inside to outside, giving us our form and shape. One of the main goals of yin yoga is to stress and stimulate the connective tissue of which fascia is part, to harmonise qi in the body. Broadly understand fascia and its application in Yin Yoga.
The Rebound
Known as rest, resonance, sacred pause, rebound, or echo the rebound is a ‘neutral’ pose where you can absorb the benefits of the previous pose, feel energy circulate, and let the tissues rest not feeling any sensation in the target area. Rest, Rebound or the Resonance pose and is one of the key ingredients that sets yin apart from other styles of yoga.
Be an exceptional teacher
You can only take people as far as you are willing to go. Learn the skills of what sets a good teacher apart from an exceptional teacher. This section covers voice, space, professionalism and ethics.
Taoism 101
Yin yoga can be overlaid with many maps from East to West. Explore Taoism and the teachings from The Tao and how they can apply to your class. Learn some yoga philosophy that threads into the teachings of yin.
TCM 101
Traditional Chinese Medicine has the beautiful philosophy of how to live your life in accordance with nature and the elements. This section is a primer into TCM and the elements and how you can apply the theory and practices to your teaching and life.
Sequence and Theme with Ease
Yin yoga is not a yoga of anything goes. Learning to sequence and theme will make your classes more coherent and lasting for the student. Apply the philosophy into the poses and classes with easily accessible themes. Learn to sequence a class without too much preparation.
Dare To Theme
There are many maps you can overlay on to your teaching from Taoism to Buddhism, Yoga to Psychology each map will bring a depth to your classes. In Dare to Theme we look at why theme, how to theme and a methodology for theming that will take your classes to a different level.
PRANA - Ayama
Pranayama is the 4th limb in the yoga sutras 8 limbed path. Learn about the anatomy of breathing, how to teach it and which techniques work best in a yin class. Discover the finer details of Single Nostril Breath and when is the best time to use it in your class. Learn about the TCM view of the lungs.
Each lesson will include a lecture, a practice and a lesson plan. You will have the chance to ask questions.
All Classes are recorded and sent to you do you don’t need to attend live.
The classes are held Monday and Thursday at 8am-10am New Zealand time. When you enrol select your time zone and you will receive your enrolment in your time.
You well receive:
A guided manual.
A free poster of 80 yin poses.
A Lesson plan to take straight in to your teaching.
24 hours of class time, lectures and practice